Blog Archives

6 months later and still no ESPN3 access for some XBL users

Remember that nice little App Microsoft was boasting about at their terrible E3 Conference they conducted last year? Yea, the one that raised the price of Xbox Live from $49.99 a year to $59.99. 6 months later and still no ESPN3 access for some Xbox Live Members.
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Hulu Plus Xbox 360 Impressions

Unless you’re completely unaware of the giant green box under the Video Marketplace, you should know by now Hulu Plus has finally made its way onto Xbox Live.

Hulu Plus is very similar to Netflix in almost every way. From the user interface, browsing movies and show, all the way to searching for what you’re looking for. So Netflix users will feel right at home the second they launch Hulu Plus. Except for one very important thing. Netflix doesn’t suck.
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